It is sad that most leaders gets intimidated by their subordinate’s strong ethics, they believe that being a leader means “only your word MUST go”. This is how Checkers lost a Managing Director with passion in foods business. This is an inspiring story of Raymond Ackerman who established his own business Pick n Pay after he was fired by the chairman of GREATER MAN’S. GREATERMAN bought his father’s business (ACKERMANS) and ventured into a supermarket business which didn’t do well.

I am intrigued by his story and also the fact that sometimes when you are going through the tunnel seeing it’s darkness, don’t jump off the train because there is always light beyond it. The passion he had for the food retail business is unbelievable.

Open the link for the full story on how he succeeded after being fired from Checkers, the business he managed to take it to the higher levels grew from just 5 stores to 85 stores in a very short space of time.

Raymond Ackerman

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